Below you will see all images uploaded for previewing purposes. Digital images are available on a usb flash drive or individually via email delivery.
Prints available for $30.00/each. +/- 8x10
Large Prints $60.00/each +/- 11x14
Simply use the contact form below to choose the images you would like to purchase. Also available will be a photomug with your choice of image from the show.
Some images are irregularly cropped and will not fit in standard frames. If you choose one of these images, you will most likely need a matte for whatever frame you choose or a custom frame. If you choose one of these images, we will contact you to discuss the size and dimensions before sending you an invoice for your order
If you would like to purchase the performance photos as DIGITAL JPEGS Cost per image is as follows:
Full Set of production Photos delivered Digitally: $55.00(no watermark)
Individual Images: $15.00/each (no watermark)
Digital images are High-Resolution and will include a print release for obtaining prints on your own.
PA sales tax 6% will be added to all orders.
Purchased images will NOT be watermarked!
***PLEASE do not screenshot and paste images from this gallery on social media. Thanks!***
Prints available for $30.00/each. +/- 8x10
Large Prints $60.00/each +/- 11x14
Simply use the contact form below to choose the images you would like to purchase. Also available will be a photomug with your choice of image from the show.
Some images are irregularly cropped and will not fit in standard frames. If you choose one of these images, you will most likely need a matte for whatever frame you choose or a custom frame. If you choose one of these images, we will contact you to discuss the size and dimensions before sending you an invoice for your order
If you would like to purchase the performance photos as DIGITAL JPEGS Cost per image is as follows:
Full Set of production Photos delivered Digitally: $55.00(no watermark)
Individual Images: $15.00/each (no watermark)
Digital images are High-Resolution and will include a print release for obtaining prints on your own.
PA sales tax 6% will be added to all orders.
Purchased images will NOT be watermarked!
***PLEASE do not screenshot and paste images from this gallery on social media. Thanks!***
Photo Book - $115.00+ s&h
contains all photos from the production gallery with the exception of any that are repetitive. Cover Art subject to change.